~ Merapu ~

Juz to sum up what i have done in the couple of months since summer. I have been to pretty much every place that i want to in South island during the summer. But yet, I haven't done bungy nor skydiving.
Anyway, during the easter holiday, I went on a roadtrip covering the whole north island. And again, those are the places which I want and need to go. What's left would be, Aussie!!!
By the way, it's so weird here in Wellington. The first week was dry n cold and now it's raining but warm non-stop. I called it the "Weird-Welli-Effect". =)


I just handed in the German assignment, love it, happy, free, but just for few hours. I still haven't done ALIN task 2, and there's another two EDUC assignments which I honestly hate (Why learn things that are not certain, theories with no application that provide evidence just doesn't seem right for me)

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