~ Midsem holiday ~

Ok, it's now the midsem break!!! (for two weeks)
However, KPM Tesl group gonna be heading to school around wellington to teach. TEACH!
Although it just gonna be for a week, still... can't really imagine myself teaching in a classroom. Was hoping the teacher that I'm working with tomorrow will be hot~ juz like last year~ :gembira:

Anyway, will be damn busy I guess for this week. School, work, etc. And Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan to every Muslims in the world.


I believe that somehow I might have juz turned to a Sony fan-boy :sigh:
Sony Ps2, Ps3, Psp, W-series walkman, and dslr..
What's left would just be a Sony Bravia and a home theatre system... (tunggu keje dlu)

p/s: Jemput la menjenguk ke laman page baru Gamerzunite!

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